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Become a member

Reach out to one of our captains for information on how to join the team this upcoming semester!

Reef Yoked:

Courtney Phelps:

Every member of the team must pay team dues to help us pay for pool rental, costs involved in putting on the Rocky Mountain Invitational, team activities, and other administrative costs. Anyone who pays team dues will receive a team shirt and team cap, as well as be invited to practice and team activity.

Dues may be paid by check or card upon making the team. If you have financial restraints that may prevent you from joining the team, please contact the treasurer and set up a time to discuss the issue. We do not wish to deny anyone membership on the sole basis that they are unable to pay.

Please note that meet entry fees and optional apparel are not included with your dues package. These are extra fees that you may choose to add with your first installment.

Become a sponsor

Each year, our team accepts sponsorships from companies, families, and individuals to help fund the ongoing costs of running the team. Money raised from sponsorship is used for paying for pool facilities for the season, helping the team attend travel meets, hosting the annual Rocky Mountain Invitational, basic team apparel, league membership dues, and various other operational expenses for the team. If you are interested in helping to sponsor the team or if you just want more information, please contact our team's Vice President and/or Treasurer.

More Questions?
Reach out!

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